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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Lallafa Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:40 am

Hey there, Bright One ;)

So - today's the day! Wahoooo! I'M bein' at work today, so i'm not gonna party with you, but i AM gonna take a bunch of time and loving intention, and write you the most awesome letter... this is NOT for just scanning through real quick-like and then deleting, PUH-LEEZE. Do take at LEAST as much time to read and mayBe RE-read it as i am/will taking/take to write and RE-write it, ok, yes? mayBe???

FIRST: I soooo LOVE YOU! i wish you could overhear the praiseFull things i tell passing folks and close friends alike about your Spirit and Individuality and Creativity and excellent Taste in All Things Cool. Sometimes i try to tell you these things directly, but it seems as if you don't particularly HEAR them from me, like maybe your shy, or you just think i'm a "crock"... i don't know. MayBe you soak it all in and it's really touching and useFull to you? WhatEver, i'm tellin' you NOW that i'm tellin' The World that Feather Moon ROCKS!

Yup - you've already got your material b-day gift, so today, i'm giving you The Gift of Knowledge! That's riiiight, folks! THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE!!!

I'm not even certain that i'll get through it all today, but i'm sure gonna take a crack at it: Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n'Roll... and maybe God, too. Actually, not much on Rock'n'Roll, since i think you've outpaced me on that one these days... purrhaps you can respond to ME with the Current Knowledge Update on that dynamic and essential subject...

But, what i really mean by Rock'n'Roll is "culture", y'know? And, same deal with that larger topic - you're the guy! Lemme just tell you (again, again!) how awesome your movie-taste is! Dear and i totally loved Hedwig - one of my top faves, now, and her toooo. Even though i'd seen it a while back, even then it was, i recall, at your insistence, yes? And those Kamikaze Girls... yayuh! I eSpecially liked the first 15 minutes, where i think almost every little scene was something i'd never sCeenE before, which is rarer and rarer for an old dog like me. Thanks for the new trix, Monkey! Little Miss Sunshine is next... ;) And yeah, "culture" - yer sooo hip with what you resonate with, the artworx, and theatre, and spectacle, and fashunish things... bless you totally for being entirely your-own-Self... ;)

So - i'll take another crack at Drugs... i've rambled on all this before, but, for the record: We are chemical creatures, totally integrated and interdependent with our environments. We are permeable beings - through our skins, in and out of our lungs, down our throats and out our asses, comes, gos and flows: chemicals, chemicals, chemicals! The food we eat (or the absence thereof) tosses us about wildly, the hormones (whore-moans), the endorphins, the adrenalines, etc etc, make a deliciously unpredictable HAVOC of our otherwise-havoc-ridden selves. AND, we are not "new" in our day and age at self-medication. EVERY culture all OVER the world forEVER has played with, used, and/or abused anything they can find or make around them. Of course, one biiiiig difference for us lucky/unlucky westerners these days, is the proliferation thereof. It's dizzying! And dizzying! So - let's narrow things down a bit, to mostly PLANTS, since they're so much more consistent in their effects: specifically, mushrooms and cannabis. There're lots of other things that do lots of subtle variations, but i want to emphasize these 2, since they fill the bill in so many ways: accessibility, affordability, benign-ness, useFullness, relatively predictable effects, etc. The other things worth considering are alcohol, ecstacy (MDMA), and caffeine. Actually, lemme toss out the first and third there quick-like, by saying that, duh, you already know all you need to know about them: addictive, a bit harmful in small doses infrequently (hangovers/crashes), and potentially MUCH more harmfull over longterm heavier use, yes? But, good tools for the box of chemical manipulation. You sometimes already use caffeine when your slumpy and hit a Jolt or something... I'm greatFull for them both, but use them careFully, and with as much intention as i can.

I think the central thing around all these manipulators of state is: "why." WHY do you take/eat/smoke something? And it doesn't to be all holy and elitist all the time, your reason. You can surely say: "yes, i drink these 2 beers in order to get loose and silly and slow my reaction-times"... certainly. What Dad's saying is: KNOW WHY! BE mindFull of your intent. Even if it's not a big deal, it's a really good HABIT to get into: KNOW WHY. I sometimes will smoke cannabis simply to enhance the absurdity of an already-absurd movie, but i'll know my PLAN going in. Sometimes it's to expand/vary my love-practices, or maybe for meditation... i'm giving you the Props to know WHY, whether its alcohol, caffeine, psilocybin, sugar, weed, .... OK?

NOW, before i go back to shrooms and pot: i'll rap a bit on "ecstasy"... this is a bit of a tricky term, since MOST of what is sold around the dances, hallways, what-have-you, is usually some sort of blend of unknown chemicals. Same goes for LSD (a very powerful, RESPECT-ME medicine), which you just don't KNOW what your getting. That's why the mushrooms and pot are such friendly creatures: they almost always are what they are, y'know? So, yeah: i'll use the name "MDMA" to refer to what is commonly called "ecstacy," ok? (btw: if you EVER want to know MORE, MORE, MORE about these, or ANY, plant or chemical, even over-the-counter stuff like robitussin, DO use and check the User Experience Vaults for some straigh-shootin' info, PLEASE!) MDMA is a total gift to HumanKind, indeed. If you can get it very clean, and you know your dosages, the potential is there for a profoundly boundary-softening, emotional-healing, heart-opening discovery/adventure, followed by good feelings and almost no "load"... some dehydration, is all, really, and MAYBE some "flatness" for the day after: what folks call "e-tarded"... my take on it is: "happiness." This is a really interesting drug, with an amazing history. When it was first spreading about (early-mid '80s?), its usage was largely in the therapist community, to get people to be able to access and communicate their "stuff" mo' bettah. Yeah. Then, of course, it migrated into the e- merging rave scene, and got illegalized, because, as usual, anything that makes people feel reeeeelllly good threatens the established order, yes? So, i'll leave the details on dosage and onset and such to future inquiry if you have any. I want to make sure that if you're curious about this one or ANY of these things: PLEASE TALK TO ME. eSpecially in the MDMA department, i'm able to find some that's the real mcCoy, y'know?

OK: Ganga! This is surely the Mother Plant, with some of the LONGest known usage, across soooo many cultures all over de place. And a truly Holy Creature, also nurturing us in its hemp-ness, as clothes, paper, food, rope, oil, and more! What i'd like to commUnicate to you about ganga is that you (one) has a "ganga-self"... so, like, there's "Feather," who's 16 now, and has this sort of linear growth of who-you-are-ness over the course of living your life, yes? Well, when you smoke ganga, you kinda become "Feather-on-Ganga," who's like a new/different indentity, almost. And, of course, you start out like a baby version of Feather-on-Ganga, right? Yes, many folks go through a very distinct sequence of "stages of growth" WITHIN their parallel lives evolution of "Person-on-Ganga." And it's, at first, pretty surprising, and pretty intense, maybe. With total silliness, total DEEPness, total paranoia, total reverence, etc. You know i've offered to be part of your first journeys with this, and i'm not gonna get freeky about it if you choose to not accept that. I know that sometimes you aren't the most comfortable with me, and that's ok. i just wanna really emphasize that you be, with this, and with ANY of these plants/drugs, really careFull about your choices of where, when, and most importantly, WITH WHOM, yes? Also, the more you can learn in advance (like through erowid or talking to friends or mom or me, etc), the better to lubricate your experience. Yes, this is a really important and valuable plant, and is sooo versatile as a self-manipulator, just as it is versatile as a human-nurterer in its hemp-form. We honor and receive the blissings of our Mother, don't we???

Speaking of which: the kosmic cubensis, psilocybin mushroom, 'shrooms, etc... another serious GrandFather creature, here co-evolving with us, used for 1,000s of years, and of perhaps the HIGHest value! In this case, the stakes around where/when/withWhom are SUPER-high, dear One. And, as the intensity is so much more, the importance of preparation in Knowledge is higher, too. Even your clear-ness of mind/stomach/heart matter MUCH. Almost everyone that has used this medicine has been served GREAT-ly, strengthened in their connection to god-ness, earth-ness, self-ness, etc., more than any other influence thus far. And you are very near a fine age for it. The EXPERIENCE takes the increased abstraction of information coming at you more and more these days into a larger framework of PERSONAL understanding. Most grand! And, much like with ganga, there's really no "downside" to it. I, infact, almost allways am physically stronger, clearer, more rested, the day after and those that follow. Taken in the right recipe of tea (with ginger, licorice, mint, to counter possible nausea), the time-to-onset can be eeeeaaasy and good, although often a bit "exciting," like: somethings coming up, here... there's something biiiig coming... oh boy..., like riding up the click-click-click of a roller coaster... wahhoooooo! The psilocybins are totally non-addictive, although sometimes folks can have such a great time with them they want to eat them more frequently for a while, that always wears out pretty quickly, and, WAY more often, folks are like: "yeah, that was great!... i can't wait to try them again in a A YEAR FROM NOW!" They're also soooo safe: the "active dosage" is 100's of times less than the toxic dosage, toally unlike caffeine and alcohol, for example, which you can kill yourself on pretty easily, really! Yes, the Holy Fungus, little Monkey... total gift! Again, and more so than the cannabis, since it's so much more critical in the intensity-factor, i invite you to consider me a guide. AT LEAST, talk to to me about dosage/quantity etc, ok??? I'm a bit of a casual expert.

And speaking of casual expert: SEX! Yay for SEX! It's sooo essential, and sooo beautyFull, and sooo much FUN, and sooo powerFull, and gets the most trashy rep from our weird christian-ignorant-Jesus-ass-fuck culture... worse of a maligning and igorance-dosage than DRUGS almost, really... The fact that we throw our youngsters into this holiest-of-holy practices with almost NO preparation besides the world "no," is total insanity. If you can pull it off (hey - a pun!) properly, you have access to the juiciest, cheapest, most continually-interesting, yummiest art of all. It's the root-essence of almost all we do, eSpecially when we learn how to do it RIGHT, and how to bring the "divine" into the practice so that it becomes a friggin' Sacrament! A Blessing and Blissing for the vibes and the World surrounding you. Healing yourself, your partner, and others who might wander into/by the perfumed energies vibrating from your magickal ex-static Union! We are so continually programmed with guilt-shit around our sexualSelves that we shut it all down and forget a HUGE part of who we ARE, and of where so much of our POWER comes from. I've begun, more and more, to explore the power of using my sexual energy in the context of community, to loosen up the Juice in the space, the hug, the floor, the city... and the exciting thing is: WE GET TO DECIDE! WE get to be the ones to define our lives as sensual entities, and the community will evolve WITH US, attracted TO US.

I soooo want you to learn and learn, and be treated sooo well, and gently, and with experience. If you EVER are interested, get a copy of Dear Lover and Odier's Desire from me on .mp3, ok? Really good stuff. I also want to encourage you to be open to the gift of control, patience, understanding and experience of older men. So many women that i've talked to who've had many lovers say the same thing: it takes MOST men a really long time to learn how to manage their equipment and their energies appropriately to be really good lovers. And, really, from the woman's side, other than giving oral pleasures or hand-jobs, there isn't a LOT of "technique" involved in being a good lover. The real art is (whoah - i just had a COMPUTER call me and tell me you were absent today!)... uh... yesh: the art of loving from the woman's side, is largely about OPENING and TRUSTING and SURRENDERING. Being realllly present with your man, breathing, radiating LOVE and WORSHIP for his strength and grace, and for the gift of his sacred attentions to your surrender and opening heart. It's very subtle, very powerFull, and without it, the sex is just meat: tedious, dangerous, often ugly... but to blend up the meat with the radiant light of consciousness and love! whoooooo! Anyhooos... keep this in mind... y'know, maybe you'll choose a lover who's closer to your age, and maybe that's all good. But then, someday, you might keep these things in mind, and broaden your parameters... of course, then, YOU can become capable of such powerfull OPENING, once you've practice the Art in the hands and arms of a truly accomplished and sensitive LoverMan, that you can come BACK to your younger man and SHOW HIM what to do, through the intensity of the presence of your heart... fingers is sooooore! yah, well, i'm sooo loving you, my Sixteen Year Old Virgin, oh Donna, oh Donna, oh-oh-oh, lookin' for MyDonna!!!

Happiest of B-days... i'm gonna ring you on the phone now and see wassup?

luv forAllWays, DadSir Sweeeeeeeeeeeet

Last edited by Lallafa on Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:52 am; edited 2 times in total

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Karl Marx Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:44 am

Omg so I noticed that your dad posted on your facebook wall recently. I looked at his profile (which is hella public) and the pictures of him are hilar x 10
Karl Marx
Karl Marx

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Lallafa Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:44 am

Last edited by Lallafa on Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Lallafa Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:45 am

Karl Marx wrote:Omg so I noticed that your dad posted on your facebook wall recently. I looked at his profile (which is hella public) and the pictures of him are hilar x 10

He probably has more pics on his Tribe page.

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Karl Marx Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:52 am

I do not approve of tribe and will not use it even for funny stuff.
Karl Marx
Karl Marx

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Lallafa Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:21 am

DanceHer IsLove can confidently and gracefully hold a strong and full presence around the center-point of the most intense orgasm of Your Life. And THAT'S a good skill to HAVE! ;)

Oh face

DanceHer IsLove ‎... what's going ON??? Everything and everyone around me seems to be getting easier and yummier and more and more awesomely amazing: steadily, exponentially, inexorably... I don't KNOW for sure what The Deal is, but I know I LIKE it! ;)


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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Galkar Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:56 pm

Man your dad is hilarious.

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Karl Marx Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:46 pm

You know, he's a weird guy, but he seems much happier with his life than I am with mine.

And that pisses me off.
Karl Marx
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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Roxington Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:55 am


I remember when your dad sent this to you. I was horrified and amused at the same time.

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by MaximumSorcerer Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:51 pm

Man, what the fuck?

I remember when Feather's dad taught me about video editing, was a firefighter, and let me play Quake 2 at his house when I was supposed to be video editing for school.......Weird shift.

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Lallafa Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:15 pm

Yeah. He was the bomb in the middle school.

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Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!! Empty Re: Sweeeeeet Sixteen!!!

Post by Roxington Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:21 pm

I miss the weekend long parties at his house with Halo, DDR and tons of movies.

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